mianki.Gallery Berlin
Jakob Kupfer – Reflection
Exhibition from May 26th until July 8th, 2023

Jakob Kupfer – Reflection

Throwing back and turning back - a physical and a psychological process come together in the word reflection. In this sense, the works of Jakob Kupfer are an invitation to pause, to take time, to actively perceive, and to observe oneself perceiving.


Jakob Kupfer's light pictures are snapshots of light in the space between us and things. They make the light visible on its way from the reflecting object to the perceiving subject. The multiform traces of colour and light form resonance spaces in which we can experience what happens to our perception as soon as we let ourselves in on the pure flow of light without explanatory contours. Nonrepresentational, they bypass our filter of rationality and thus open the view to our own emotions, images and truths and to perception itself.


The light objects formed from the flow and refraction of light, permeability and transformation change sometimes on the time axis, sometimes with the viewer's point of view and interact with the changing light situations of the respective location. The fixed moment is replaced by a changing image and the communication of a statement is replaced by the invitation to construct one's own perception.


For the recording of the ECHOS, Jakob Kupfer uses one of the oldest methods of photographic design: the cyanotype, developed in 1842. Unlike classical cyanotypes, however, the ECHOS are neither prints from negatives nor photograms of applied forms, but unique works painted directly onto the paper with sunlight and time. What remains on the paper after it has been developed is an echo of the light and the moment that has passed in Berliner Blau.


Thursday, May 25th, 2023, 7 p.m. to 11 p.m.


from May 26th until July 8th, 2023



Kalckreuthstraße 15

10777 Berlin

T +49 30 364 327 08
