Exhibition from November 12th 2015 to January 16th 2016
The hero who doesn’t enter like a superhero. Opposite an elegant woman with a binding gaze; and what’s going on, in fact, with the girl in the jeans? Despite the juxtaposition, Heuter’s newest works give the viewer a sense of naturalness and, simultaneously, an exciting scope for interpretation. And the guy with his gorilla, they’re just there back-to-back, casually watching the goings-on. continue
Anknüpfend an den Erfolg der ersten fünf Jahre, gibt es auch im Spätherbst 2015 die Kunstauktion zugunsten der Stiftung Telefonseelsorge Berlin. Zu dieser Veranstaltung, die uns persönlich sehr am Herzen liegt und für die wir uns persönlich sehr engagieren, laden wir Sie herzlich ein. continue
Exhibition from September 3rd to October 24th 2015
Jakob Kupfer is a photo painter in the true and traditional sense. Light is his media and light is his subject. He is exploring how light can be expressed, or rather: how it manages to express itself effectively in art. continue
Exhibition from July 2nd to August 29th 2015
Here comes the Sun, providing warmth and light. Making things grow and flourish. We set our time by it and for Michael Schuster, it is a source of inspiration in several respects. continue
Exhibition from May 7th to June 27th 2015
Ev Pommer is concerned with making space visible and perceptible. The "Nothingness", the emptiness between the lines, is significant. We can see, feel and perceive this most impressively in her latest work, LOOP. continue
Exhibition from March 26th 2015 to May 3rd 2015
In his second solo exhibition, “reconstruction”, scent sculptor Christophe Laudamiel shall use the memories and thoughts of the viewers, or more precisely the “smellers”, to explore the concept of imaginary image reconstruction in a most unusual way. continue
Ausstellung vom 22. Januar bis 21. März 2015
To Claudia Kallscheuer the subject of the weather is a large “machine for exchanging thoughts”. Whether one enters into conversation with friends, neighbours or strangers, the subject of the weather is rarely avoided. Also particularly as everyone has something to say about it. Decisive hereby is the observation of the subjective view that every individual has of the weather that is as different as all of us. continue
Exhibition from November 20th 2014 to January 17th 2015
The work by HALFA (1950 – 2006) embodies eight creative phases that partially overlap, but also develop from the previous. These phases include amongst others the roller and moiré paintings, the scenogram, sceno mades and camera works. continue
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