mianki.Gallery Berlin
HALFA, Ausstellung „Roller paintings“

HALFA „roller paintings : Szenogramme“ – A work becomes visible!

Exhibition from November 20th 2014 to January 17th 2015

The work by HALFA (1950 – 2006) embodies eight creative phases that partially overlap, but also develop from the previous. These phases include amongst others the roller and moiré paintings, the scenogram, sceno mades and camera works. continue

Ev Pommer „LOOP“

3 days - Exhibition from November 13th to November 15th 2014

Ev Pommer is concerned with making space visible and perceptible. The "Nothingness", the emptiness between the lines, is significant. We can see, feel and perceive this most impressively in her latest work, LOOP. continue

5. Benefiz-Kunstauktion zugunsten der Telefonseelsorge Berlin

Vorbesichtigung vom 30. Oktober bis 8. November 2014

Anknüpfend an den Erfolg der Jahre ersten Jahre, gibt es auch im Spätherbst 2014 die Kunstauktion zugunsten der Stiftung Telefonseelsorge Berlin. Zu dieser Veranstaltung, die uns persönlich sehr am Herzen liegt und für die wir uns persönlich sehr engagieren, laden wir Sie herzlich ein. continue

Silke Katharina Hahn „lines + lines“

Exhibition from August 28th until Oktober 25th, 2014

The line, said Klee, is "thought", and the thought is "medium between the earth and the cosmos." The line that is visually expressive is thus the mediator between the visible and the invisible world. But the line is also "the first moveable fact", a prime mover - and is therefore creative. continue

lines + lines

Tina Heuter & Katharina Schnitzler „Ich will eine … einen …“

Exhibition from June 26th until August 23rd, 2014

Staging and presenting yourself is not only a phenomenon in all cultures, it is an art. This characterizes our everyday life and it is hereby irrelevant if it concerns the moment, a choice of partner, or career. continue

Tina Heuter & Katharina Schnitzler

Anna Matola „Identitäten“

Exhibition from April 24th until June 21st, 2014

Anna Matola is interested in people, their diversity, their faces and their characters that are found in different places in everyday life: in the subway, at the movies, on a park bench, in the queue in front of a museum, at the weekly market. continue

Anna Matola

Jakob Kupfer & Christophe Laudamiel „EMOTIONS“

Exhibition from March 13th until April 19th, 2014

Light and scent are the most elementary and most emotional phenomena in our culture. Christophe Laudamiel‘s works speak directly to our emotions; scent has a direct effect on our centre of emotion, and is later joined by rational perception. continue


Ev Pommer & Michael Schuster „TWO TIMES“

Exhibition from January 24th to March 8th 2014

In „TWO TIMES“ stellen wir mit Ev Pommer und Michael Schuster zwei gegensätzliche Positionen gegenüber, die trotzdem oder gerade deswegen in einem engen Bezug zueinander stehen. continue


Dominik Wein „HIS STORY GOES ON“

Exhibition from November 21st to January 18th 2014

Der Berliner Künstler Dominik Wein (*1967) erzählt in einer Installation, die alle Formate sowie klassische und moderne Techniken der Kunst vereint, seine Familiengeschichte. continue

Dominik Wein


Kalckreuthstraße 15

10777 Berlin

T +49 30 364 327 08
