mianki.Gallery Berlin
Andrea Esswein  Von Blumen, Menschen und Papieren
Exhibition from January 10th until March 8th, 2025

mianki.Gallery works with a new generation of artists. It acquires its standalone profile through focussing on the use of unusual materials. Its artists form special imageries by using and working with remarkable and unique materials.

In 2008, founder and owner Andreas Herrmann consciously selected the location in the traditional artistic quarter of Schöneberg. A decision that numerous further galleries have followed.

mianki.Gallery represents the following artists:

Marc Dittrich

Silke Katharina Hahn


Ulrich Haug

Tina Heuter

Claudia Kallscheuer

Gisoo Kim

Jakob Kupfer

Christophe Laudamiel

Ev Pommer

Jens Rausch

Katharina Schnitzler

Michael Schuster

Jaime Sicilia

Constanze Vogt

mianki.Gallery Newsletter

Stay up-to-date with information about our gallery schedule, exhibitions and notable projects, as well as our artists’ successes and the various events happening at mianki.Gallery. Subscribe now for free.

Opening times

Thursday to Friday, 2pm to 6pm

Saturday, 11am to 4pm

and by appointment

Tel.: +49 30 36432708

mianki.Gallery is a member of the

Bundesverband Deutscher Galerien

und Kunsthändler e. V. (BVDG)

and the

Landesverband Berliner Galerien e. V. (lvbg).

Member galleries are notable for their trading professionalism in line with the guidelines of the Federation of European Art Galleries Association.

This includes making the art of the 20th and 21st centuries accessible in perpetuity, and the promotion of currently-active artists.



Kalckreuthstraße 15

10777 Berlin

T +49 30 364 327 08
