Silke Katharina Hahn's approach: the change of material by heat. Her favourite material: hot glue and wax. The character: reduced, concentrated and reflective.
The focus is on black. Hahn's black is a complex black that harbours every imaginable shading and yet constitutes the antithesis to the exuberant and often overly demanding chromaticity of everyday life.
Alongside the immediate presence of the three-dimensional line, working with hot glue is already a transformative process for Silke Katharina Hahn. The heat-altering adhesive allows her to directly enter the room with the line. Graphically multilayered, also present in the third dimension, as an infinitely complex entanglement of lines. The drawing protrudes from the wall into the room. The lines can be re-melted by continuing to work them with hot air. The entanglement of lines is replaced by something that flows, like a mass of lava, which extends into the room. As a result of this targeted intervention, the three-dimensional network of lines becomes intentionally compressed once again.
Everything is in a state of constant transformation, without beginning, without end. In Hahn's work the viewer encounters the ever repeating full circle as a universal symbol for infinity, which is perfect, the big picture, with freedom from the constraints of time and space.
a time for us, 2019
Heißkleber, Plexiglas, Draht, 52 x 30 x 35 cm
© Nikolaus Fürcho
Wachs, Graphit auf Papier, je 24,8 x 24,8 cm
© Nikolaus Fürcho
my heart, 2019
Heißkleber, Graphit, Buntstift auf Papier, 59,4 x 84,1 cm (Rahmen 63 x 87 cm)
© Nikolaus Fürcho
here and now, 2018
Stahlschwamm, Heißkleber, Plexiglas, 40 x 40 x 24 cm
© Nikolaus Fürcho
it’s cosmic, 2019
Heißkleber, Graphit, Buntstift auf Papier, 59,4 x 84,1 cm (Rahmen 63 x 87 cm)
© Nikolaus Fürcho
Kalckreuthstraße 15
10777 Berlin
T +49 30 364 327 08